
미국 영어 - 관용구 : 창의적으로 생각하다

Mike053 2023. 2. 12. 13:26
Think outside (or out of) the box

다르게 생각하다 / 창의적으로 생각하다

Think outside the box

 많이 쓰이는 표현인데요. 우리가 한번 박스안에 있다고 생각해봐요. 온통 사방이 좁은 박스에 갇혀  생각하더라도 박스안에 있는것들 밖에 볼수가 없죠. 그런데 박스의 문을 열고 나오게 되면 박스전체를 볼수 있게 되어 좀더 크게 좀더 다르게 박스를 볼수가 있죠. 좀더 객관적으로 박스외에 다른것들과 함께 볼수 있으니 박스안에 갇혀서 볼때랑 완전 다른 시각으로 다가갈수 있게죠.


이렇게 뭔가 사고를 달리해서 생각하거나 좀더 창의적으로 생각하다라는 뜻으로 think outside the box or out of the box라고 표현합니다. 우리나라말에도 나무만 보고 숲은 보지 못한다라는 속담과 비스하다고 할까요. 작은 것에만 집중하고 다른것은 보지 못하니 전체  그림을 알지 못한다는 뜻인데요. 영어로는 can't see the forest for the tree 라고 표현하죠.


우리도 회사에서 뿐만 아니라 일상생활에서도 틀에 박힌 생각으로 문제를 접근하게되면 되려 막혀 더이상 문제를 풀수가 없는데 조금만 쉬어가고 한걸음만 뒤에서 넓게 본다면 새롭고 기발한 아이디어가 떠오르고 어렵다고 느낀 문제들도 쉽게 풀어 나갈수 있다고 봅니다.

창의적으로 생각하다

실제 대화를 통해 어떻게 쓰여지는지 알아 볼까요?


Miles: Hi Olivia, I've been having trouble accessing the timesheet application on my computer and can't seem to find the cause.

Olivia: Have you checked your router and wifi connection?

Miles: Yes, they're both working fine. We even checked the server room and everything is up and running.

Olivia: Did you try restarting your computer?

Miles: Yes, I did, but it didn't help.

Olivia: In that case, have you considered submitting a work request to the IT help desk?

Miles: I suppose that's my next step.

Olivia: Wait a minute! When was the last time you logged into the application?

Miles: It's been about a month ago. Why do you ask?

Olivia: You might need to update your password. The IT policy requires you to change it every month.

Miles: I wouldn't have thought of that! The password expiration could be the issue.

Olivia: You deserve credit for thinking outside the box. Good job!


The phrase "thinking outside the box" means to think creatively and to come up with original ideas or solutions that are unconventional and not limited by conventional ways of thinking. The "box" refers to the conventional and limited thinking patterns that people often fall into, and "thinking outside the box" means breaking away from these patterns to arrive at new and innovative ideas. This concept is often used in business and creative contexts to encourage people to challenge their assumptions, think in new ways, and explore innovative solutions to problems.


같은 뜻인데 다르게 표현되는 말을 알아볼까요?

Break the mold

Challenge conventional wisdom

Re-imagine the possible

Embrace unconventional thinking

Look at things from a fresh perspective.