
미국 영어 - 관용구 : 강화하다

Mike053 2023. 2. 12. 13:36
Beef up


뭔가를 강하게 하다 크게 한다의의미로 쓰이는데요 Beef 소에서 나왔으니 소의 이미지를 떠올린다면 아주 쉽게 기억할수 있을것 같아요. 소가 덩치가 아주 크고 힘도 세니까 뭔가 강하게 끌어올린다라고 생각하면 될것 같네요. 회사에서는 하드웨어 장치라던가 시스템이 기본적인 사양을 갖추고 있을때 흔히들 이런말을 해서 업그레이드하자고 자주 이런 표현을 쓴답니다.

Beef Up

실제 대화를 통해 어떻게 쓰이는지 알아볼까요?


John: I have received many scam emails recently.

Andrew: Have you ever visited any suspicious web sites or provide your personal information?

John: I filled out the form for the home mortgage reduction program lately.

Andrew: Please be careful to share your information in cyber space. There are many scam artists looking for victims.

John: I thought that it was a legitimate site. I guess I need to pay attention more.

Andrew: You need to beef up the security in your personal computer and cell phone.

John: What do I need to do now?

Andrew: Why don’t you try to install anti-virus software and increase filtering system?

John: Thanks, I will do it right now.

"Beef up" means to make stronger, to increase the size, or to improve the quality or quantity of something. For example, "The company needs to beef up their security measures" or "John decided to beef up his workout routine to get in better shape".




