참 잘했어요
일을 잘한 직원을 칭찬할 때 쓰는 표현으로 Compliment or Congratulation과 같은 의미의 단어입니다. 칭찬은 고래도 춤추게 한다고 했던가요. 부하직원중에 특히 특별히 어렵고 힘든 프로젝트를 잘 수행해 좋은 성과를 이루었다면 꼭 칭찬을 해서 다른 직원에게 알려 줄 필요가 있는데요. 이러것을 Employee Recognition이라고이라고 합니다. 한마디로 알아봐 주는 거지요.
회사마다 차이가 일을 잘한 직원에 대한 보상이 다 다르겠지만 경제적 보상이전에 단체 이메일이나 회사 보드에 일을 잘한 직원을 칭찬하는 글을 써서 올립니다. 글을 쓰는것은 큰일은 아니지만 받는 당사자는 일의 보람도 느끼고 내가 직장상사에서 인정받고 있구나하고 생각이 들어 더 자신감과 의욕이 생기고 이런 기운이 또 그 조직에서 아주 Positive한 기운을 불러온답니다.칭찬에 인색하지 마시고 오늘 당장 Kudos를 한번 날려보세요.
실제 대화를 통해서 어떻게 쓰이는지 알아볼까요?
Cory: Hi Victor, I wanted to give kudos to John for his exceptional performance on the public engagement project in Denny Neighborhood.
Victor: I totally agree. He and his team went above and beyond, working around the clock to gather information door-to-door about the needs of the community.
Cory: Thanks to John's efforts, the Mayor and Neighborhood Association Committee now have the information they need to create a comprehensive 5-year strategic plan. He deserves all the kudos for his hard work and dedication.
Victor: I couldn't agree more. John and his team truly deserve recognition for their achievements. I think we should nominate him for employee of the year.
Cory: Absolutely. Let's show our appreciation for John's exceptional performance by giving him the recognition he deserves.
The word "kudos" is a noun that is used to express praise or respect for someone's achievements or abilities. It is often used in a formal or professional setting to acknowledge someone's hard work, dedication, or exceptional performance. Kudos can be thought of as a way of giving recognition or showing appreciation for someone's accomplishments. The word is typically used in a positive context and is often accompanied by expressions of congratulations, admiration, or approval. For example, someone might say "Kudos to you for landing that big account, " to express their respect for a co-worker's successful sales pitch.
다른 표현으로는 어떤 것들이 있는지 알아볼까요?
Well done
Great job
Nice work
Good on you
Hats off to you
Give yourself a pat on the back
A round of applause
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