
미국 영어 - 관용구 : 보여주기식 쇼

Mike053 2023. 2. 12. 11:48
Dog and Pony Show

보여주기식 쇼/별 볼 일 없는 이벤트


19 세기말이나 20세기초에는 동네를 돌아다니는 서커스가 크게 유행했는데 그중에  조련된 개나 말이 보여주는 쇼가 인기가 있었던 적이 있지요. 하지만 기술의 발달로 텔레비젼이나 영화등이 나오기 시작하면서 이러한 쇼들은 명색을 서서히 잃어가기 시작합니다.


하지만 기술의 발달로 텔레비젼이나 영화등이 나오기 시작하면서 이러한 쇼들은 명색을 서서히 잃어가기 시작합니다. 그와 동시에 Dog and pony show라는 의미도 약가씩 변해가면서 소리만 요란하고 별볼일 없는 이벤트 또는 상술이라는 의미로 점차 바뀌어 갔죠.


회사에서도 이런경우를 가끔 볼수 있는데요. 예를 들면 부서에서 여러 외부인사도 초청하고 홍보도 하고 해서 뭔가  프로젝트를 하는 것처럼 보인는데 정작  이벤트에 가보면 일회서 보여주기에 급급한 것같은 금방 느끼고  이후에 follow up 전혀 없는 경우를 봅니다.


상사가 갑자기 우리부서에서 하고 있는 프로젝트를 다른팀들에게 발표하라고 할때 또는 무었인가 우리가 이런저런것들을 잘하고 있다고 남들에게 보이고 싶을때 Let’s put on a dog and pony show라고 표현합니다.

Dog and Pony Show

실제 대화를 통해 어떻게 쓰이는지 알아볼까요?


Abigail: Hi Glenn, have you heard about the dog and pony show next week?

Glenn: No, what's that about?

Abigail: It's a sales and marketing event we're holding for the department heads to showcase what we've been working on.

Glenn: Oh, so we'll be putting on a bit of a performance for them, then?

Abigail: Exactly, a dog and pony show is all about making an impression and promoting our offerings.

Glenn: I see. Do we have everything ready for the event?

Abigail: Not quite, but that's where the dog and pony show comes in. We don't need to know every single detail, just the big picture and overall progress we've made.

Glenn: Alright, I'll make sure to focus on highlighting our key concepts and our team's achievements.

Abigail: Great, let's put on a fantastic show and make a lasting impression on the department heads.


A "dog and pony show" is a slang expression used to describe an elaborate and often staged presentation or performance, usually used to promote a product or service. The term suggests that the event is more about putting on a show or creating a grand display, rather than providing substantive information or content. The phrase is often used to convey a sense of superficiality, with the idea being that the presenters are like performers with trained dogs and ponies, putting on a flashy but insubstantial display. In a business context, a dog and pony show might be used to describe a sales or marketing event that is designed to make a favorable impression on potential customers or investors, without necessarily providing in-depth information or analysis.

비슷한 의미로 쓰이는 다른 표현들을 알아볼까요?


A smoke and mirrors act

A show for show's sake

A mere facade

A superficial performance

A PR stunt

A theatrical display

A hollow demonstration